E-Cat (commonly known as Employee Engagement)


How emotionally connected and engaged are your employees?


Our unique analytical tool which measures emotional connectivity within your business.

Following analysis a dashboard of results will indicate the connectivity between your business vision, customer connection, employee engagement, leadership engagement etc ... and provides recommendations for improvement.






Please select the link below to look at the sample E-Cat dashboard report. This is a sample report and is not representative of a full company report.


If you have any questions, or would like to enquire about running the survey, proposals and costs etc. then please contact us.









Welcome to our Emotional Connectivity Analysis Tool (E-Cat)


Times are changing. People are changing and emotions are playing a bigger and bigger part in the decisions we all make, whether as employees or as consumers.


What is Emotional Connectivity? Global case studies and statistics are highlighting the fact that the companies achieving substantial and continued growth are those which focus on building customer loyalty and developing the emotional connection between their employees and customers.


What is E-Cat? E-Cat is an innovative "emotional connectivity" anaylsis tool which measures emotional connection & engagement levels across all aspects of the business (i.e.business plan, vision, customers, leadership etc).


What does E-Cat do? E-Cat provides a cultural measure and analysis of engagement levels within your business and provides a benchmark for targeted improvement.


How can your company be involved? contact us for more details and enquire about becoming one of our "pilot companies"



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